
Musings of a writer in preparation for NaNoWriMo 05.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Thanks PBW for your 20 questions post. I didn't post a question, but the answers for handling dialogue were so helpful. So, I'm forwarding on the link PBW included about how to improve your dialogue. I do believe I will be practicing some of these exercises in the future to work on this aspect of novelling.

I'm also really happy to note that many people struggle with this aspect of writing.

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Final Four

I've been tagged! This is my first tagged meme. I feel so special. But let's not make a habbit of this. I like to think of this as a serious blog.

This meme came to me by way of Charmaine.
Four jobs you’ve had in your life: sewing machine operator, waitress, technical writer of course, and, there's no good title for this job, sewing noses on stuffed teddy bears.

Four movies you could watch over and over: Princess Bride, Priscilla, Queen of the desert, Monty Python's Holy Grail, It's a Wonderful Life.

Four places you’ve lived: Schenectady, NY, Utica, NY, Tewksbury, MA, Burlington, MA.

Four TV shows you love to watch: Daily Show w/Jon Stewart, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, The Office (Brittish version)

Four places you’ve been on vacation: London, England, TX, Napa Valley, Charleston, SC.

Four websites you visit daily: Google, http://www.dooce.com/, comcast.net (to get my email from work), ebay. Many other blogs but they don't post daily.

Four of your favorite foods: Chocolate, prime rib, anything on the menu at Cappelini's, my husbands linguini and clam sauce.

Four places you’d rather be right this minute: back in college, cuddled up in bed with a good book,

Four albums you can’t live without: Genesis -- ABACAB, The Go-Go's -- Beauty and the Beat, Fiona Apple, soundtrack from Moonstruck for those Italian dinners we have occasionally.

Four to pass this meme along to: Drat! You picked Alyn already. OK. How about remcat, Jaedin, Jen-- since she promised to post more this year, Dorinna