
Musings of a writer in preparation for NaNoWriMo 05.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Under the Din of Abortion

Thanks to Rachel for this article in the NYT. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/18/national/18abortion.html

The article makes clear that abortion is a choice for these women mostly because there is no other choice. I think it highlights well how even pro choice isn't choice.

What would the world be like if each woman could realy sit down and do what she wanted to do about a pregnancy without thought to:

  • Job
  • Parents
  • Father of the child
  • Economic future
  • What people would say

Until we get to that point, there is no choice. The sad thing, is that the article hasn't changed anyone's mind. Read the letters to the editor. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/21/opinion/l21abortion.html. Everyone still sits on their side of the debate.

The most telling thing in the article to me was the 80 year old protestor who admits that protesting only saves about one baby a year. But he would rather put the time into protesting than into making a real choice for women.

If I could convince one person, that the solution is compassion, not judgment, my job will be done.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

History of Open Adoption

about.com features this article on the history of open adoption.


Though the timeframes are rough, it is interesting that open adoptions began happening in the 60's. The same time that abortion was being argued in different states. This was a time when people were starting to understand the implications of the current system of treating women.

So there's my answer. While legalization of Open Adoption was not necessarily the result of Roe v. Wade the frequency of this type of adoption may have been supported by the fact that women had other choices than to blindly give up their child.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Don't believe me?

If you don't believe that pro-choice is all about controlling women, read this article on defeating the baby safe haven legislation in NH!


Obviously, these people don't have any concern for the babies involved.

1) Tell me, why would a woman turn down financial support through a pregnancy and instead choose to keep it a secret, deliver the baby and then drop it off at a hospital at the last minute.

2) The drop off is not anonymous. It is simply without recourse.

3) Go ahead and quote your statistics collected by an agency that is making money brokering adoptions. Of course they're going to give statistics that fault baby safe havens. They can't make money off a baby safe haven bill.


This web page struck me when I was doing research. The challenges that faced women pre Roe v. Wade. Can you imagine this as our future? Can you imagine the only choice for a woman who wanted to terminate a pregnancy was to go to someone who had been trained in that procedure only? Nothing else medically?


It's a long article and the font is small, but it is chilling at the same time. Both what these women went through and what is happening in the US regarding abortion rights.