Moving at the speed of ...
I hung the keyboard. All of a sudden, a message popped up on the screen which I was unable to read and I couldn't type anything in anymore. I tried shutting down processes, but still, I was frozen. I could hear the keyclicks, but nothing would come out.
Luckily, mouse was still working, so I saved and rebooted and now I can type again.
the thing that really sucks, was that I was in the middle of a rape scene and it was really hard to get my mind into it and I was just rolling along getting the words down when . . .
So now, I will have to start all over again and get myself back into the frame of mind I need to write this.
Even so, 38580 words so far. Sigh.
Tom, I know you will read this eventually. So I have to ask you. Do you remember the secretary at Coby who used to come into the DP lab occasionally to use the terminals? She used to type so fast she had to stop every once in a while to let the buffers clear or she would hang the terminal?
That's me!
I just hope this scene is as compelling as I hope it is.
Luckily, mouse was still working, so I saved and rebooted and now I can type again.
the thing that really sucks, was that I was in the middle of a rape scene and it was really hard to get my mind into it and I was just rolling along getting the words down when . . .
So now, I will have to start all over again and get myself back into the frame of mind I need to write this.
Even so, 38580 words so far. Sigh.
Tom, I know you will read this eventually. So I have to ask you. Do you remember the secretary at Coby who used to come into the DP lab occasionally to use the terminals? She used to type so fast she had to stop every once in a while to let the buffers clear or she would hang the terminal?
That's me!
I just hope this scene is as compelling as I hope it is.
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