
Musings of a writer in preparation for NaNoWriMo 05.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Slowdown

Well, things have slowed down greatly as expected. I'm up to 34347 words now. I'd like to do a push to 40000 this weekend. There's a scrapbooking night this Friday at remcat's, but I'm going to pass it up to write instead. Not that I'm ready to continue work on my scrapbooks anyway. But still. It will be good to get another 6000 done by Sunday night. I keep thinking I have Thanksgiving weekend coming up and I'm not sure if I will write at all then.

So changes in the writing style. I've stopped writing chronologically and started writing key scenes that are clear in my head. For example, last week I killed off one of the characters. I'm not saying who. It got to the point that I will have to go back and do so much rewriting for things that lost context, that I might as well type in key scenes and jump around at will. I think by the end of this exercise, I will only have about half of my novel if that much.

Now that doesn't' t mean that I have a 100000 word novel in the end. I'm sure much will be cut. But there might be much to add. On looking over my timeline though, I feel like I have hardly touched the story.

Dialog is very difficult to write. I can hear it in my head, but as I put it on paper, it seems awkward. It will be interesting to go back in a couple of months are re-read it to see if it sound so awkward or if it is just the delay of mind to fingertips that is making it sound bad as I write.

The other thing is environment. Since I'm back at work, I'm getting more time to think about my most productive environment. It seems to be sitting at a computer with a hot cuppa joe and headphones on playing great music. My most productive CD is the Go Gos and Genesis.

Years ago, when I was sophomore in college, my sister's boyfriend (now her husband) gave me a tape of these two albums. It was my only good quality tape, made on a well designed system using memorex tapes. Sorry Genesis and the Go-Gos. It was piracy. But as a fairly low-income kid, I couldn't afford to just go out and buy any album I liked. So I listened to this almost constantly. It was the only good quality music I had. I mostly listened while studying. Even now, it puts me in a very hard-working mode. Whenever I have a lot of writing to do, putting on the Go-Gos and Genesis helps.

Last year, I got both albums on CD for Christmas. So, see? They finally got their royalties. I've been listening to Genesis at work and I'm still amazed at how much that album (abacab) gets me going.

The other night, I put on a different Genesis album and hooked my earphones up to the PC to listen while I typed. Unfortunately, I got a phone call from my friend and was unable to complete my quota for the night. I did finish over 500 before the call though.

Gotta pull out that music this weekend. Let's see how many words the go-go's can pull out of me.



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