
Musings of a writer in preparation for NaNoWriMo 05.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Blogging a story

Occasionally, I will stumble across a blog where the writer tells a multi-part story. The difficulty of this is that if you are not a constant, daily reader of said story-blog, you have to read the chapters in reverse or page down to the beginning. The temptation being great to read the ending before you find the beginning, the wonder of the blog story is often ruined.

So why not write it backward? Start with the conclusion of the story and then work back to the beginning. Almost like Star wars but hopefully with better dialog. http://rumandmonkey.com/articles/289/

I think I'll try it. Yawhahahaha!

But first, I'm going on vacation. When I return, I will have a complete outline and character bios to begin the task of the blog-style story.


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