
Musings of a writer in preparation for NaNoWriMo 05.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Why am I doing this?

The website for the ERA amendment quotes Jeb Bush, younger brother to our somewhat dimwhitten president:

Other opponents - including Gov. Bush - argue that they support equality for women but believe the ERA is passé at a time that women are making advancements – a stance that some Republicans believe is a mainstream view held by many women who will continue to vote for GOP candidates.

(Florida GOP divided over new push to ratify ERA
Loss of female voters feared if party opposes amendment
by Peter Wallsten (pwallsten@herald.com)Miami Herald Monday, April 7, 2003)

While I disagree with the sentiment that the ERA vote is passe, I do agree that the view is a mainstream one held by many women who will continue to vote for GOP candidates.
The ERA is bundled up with bra burning, and pot smoking and long hair and bell-bottoms. Little understood by post baby-boomers like me and my peers, the idea of women needing a constitutional amendment to protect our rights seems like overkill.

It's because we have forgotten what the world was like before Roe v. Wade. The conservative party has done a great job of selling us on the idea that Roe, and Weddington and Coffee were just a bunch of self serving baby killers. That was all the whole ruling was about; selfishness and murder.

In my heart I knew it was about more, but until I began this research, I had no idea how far and wide it reached. I was just becoming cognizant that the only support for pregnant moms in supporting their pregnancies was supplied through the Catholic church. It was in mass one day that I thought, if abortion was illegal, would this be available to these women? The answer was obvious. It would be no more available to these women than it was 30 years ago.

Yep, they might be able to take a bus to some remote city to be "cared for" in a home for poorly brought up girls. The choice to keep that baby would not be theirs. The choice as to where that baby ended up would not be theirs.

Today on the news, a story of a woman who left the hospital just hours after giving birth and leaving her baby behind.


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